Irrigation Schedules


We are currently on a regular irrigation schedule which means we are using both the #1005 and #1006 outlets for water delivery.  As a reminder, the #1005 outlet is located at the southeast corner of Citrus and Northern and services the Citrus ditch, east to the 175th rear ditch.  The #1006 outlet is located at southeast corner of 175th Avenue and Northern and services the 175th front ditch, east to the Cotton Lane ditch.  During this time, the water deliver from each outlet is rotated weekly.  See the Ditch Rotation Schedule for more information about the weekly ditch rotation.

****We recently (Sept. 27) had the underground irrigation pipes jetted out along the 1006 outlet after a blockage in the 173 rear underground was discovered. The underground pipes located at 173 rear, 173 front and the lateral pipe running from 175 front to 173 front were all jetted and cleared. Since the jetting, I have received positive reports that the water level has been very good and we appear to be in good shape.****


1005 OUTLET - Week_11-09-24_1005

1006 OUTLET - Week_11-09-24_1006